The dream catcher was thought up when an Ojibwe medicine man had trouble falling asleep one night. He looked at his hands in the firelight and noticed that his fingers resembled a spider’s legs trapping dreams inside its webbing. The medicine man then went into the woods to collect items he needed to create a small net-like device that would allow good dreams through while keeping bad dreams out. While he was there, he realized how creepy it would be to have all of the bad dreams flying around his head, so he also hung a small ornament in the center to symbolize good.
Dreamcatchers are made with a willow hoop approximately 6 inches in diameter and 1 inch wide at the top. The hoop is bent until it makes an oval shape. The hoop is then tied off with fluff from a feather or downy plant. A webbing of string or sinew that is soft enough for tying knots is then attached to the inside rim of the hoop, while hanging strands are attached to either side outside of the circle. These long strings are where you tie your wish-making intentions before hanging up your dreamcatcher in your bedroom by its S-shaped hook or nail.
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What does a dream catcher actually do?
A dreamcatcher allows good dreams in and bad dreams out. The idea behind a dream catcher is that it filters your dreams in a way that only lets good ones pass through, leaving you to have nice pleasant feelings while you sleep. Dreamcatchers are also known for safeguarding people from evil spirits and nightmares when sleeping. Dreamcatcher hoop is believed to be depicting the circle of life, work-life balance, pleasure, mental satisfaction, and self-love. Native Americans invented dreamcatchers. They believed it would help them have better nights of sleep.
What is the spiritual purpose of dream catchers?
Dream Catchers have been used by the American Indians to ensure a good night’s sleep and assure that people have positive dreams. The legend of the dream catcher is as follows:
A spider created a web between two trees as a trap for evil spirits that would try to enter into the minds of sleeping humans. The strong cords representing the web would absorb all bad thoughts and allow only good dreams to pass through the center hole and slide down the feathers, which depict peace and tranquility. Native Americans believe that because the spider symbolized patience, diligent work, and perseverance, it knew that the only way to overcome evil was by being patient.
The Dream catcher has different variations. The dream catchers sold throughout the internet are primarily done in either Native American or Celtic styles. People decorate them with stones or beads, depending on their importance.
We have a step by step tutorial on how to make a dreamcatcher with beads.
Is a Dreamcatcher good or bad?
There’s not a definite answer to this question, but I plan to tell you the benefits of having one and then some possible drawbacks that might happen too. The opinions expressed are mine and I understand if some people disagree. This is, after all, what makes sharing one’s opinion interesting!
As stated earlier, the purpose of a dreamcatcher is to ward off bad dreams and let through good ones. So it would be very advantageous for people having frequent nightmares.
The main drawback of dreamcatchers is that they should not be sold or given as gifts because the recipient would lose their good luck charm. The legend says that if you receive a dream catcher as a gift, you must give it away willingly so the person giving it will still have good luck. Otherwise, whoever keeps it will have all their dreams come true and become cursed with nightmares.
Sleeping With A Dream Catcher
Dream catchers help people who suffer from nightmares and want to live their lives filled with only good dreams and blissful sleep! If you don’t have nightmares at least once a week, you’re lucky, and you’d probably be surprised by how many people do suffer from them. There’s no harm in wanting something like this.
It’s sad to think about someone who has horrible dreams every night and wakes up each morning tired and still feeling exhausted. These things affect them mentally but also physically. Constant lack of sleep means something was wrong with the person in more ways than one.
Can dream catchers cause nightmares?
Yes, according to some people. They believe that if there is even just one hole, then there is a chance that nightmares can filter through and maybe even come back. There is also a legend that says that an old woman told a young Native American girl about making dream catchers (out of sinew), and she made one and hung it over her bed. However, she had a nightmare anyway about her mother dying, so when she woke up, she saw the dream catcher with all those bad dreams inside its webbing. That’s why people believe they protect you from nightmares! If there is a hole in the webbing, this could cause more bad dreams to leak through.
Where should you have the dreamcatcher?
As you have patiently reached this far, I guess you will not doubt buying or creating a dreamcatcher for yourself or your loved ones! Before winding up, let me share one last important fact which a lot of people struggle with! Where should you hang the dreamcatcher? Well, many people have it hung in their bedrooms, on the headboard of the bed- like Bella’s in the Twilight movie! But that is not the only place you need to try! You can display it on the rearview mirror of your vehicle to prevent negative energy from outside! It will be beneficial in any place where you think that bad dreams, negative vibes, and energies come through! Let me name a few!