While we’re focusing most of this month on printed craft books, we wanted to highlight some digital applications for iPhone or Android smartphones that can assist you as you’re purchasing and cutting fabric for all those great patterns!
Android or iPhone
Jo-Ann Fabrics (Free for Android or iPhone): Browse products, check out customer reviews, find a store and best of all, save your coupons! You can load coupons and show them to the cashier for a discount rather than using a printed coupon.
Quilting Calculators (Free for Android or iPhone): From Robert Kaufmann Fabrics and Quilter’s Paradise is this great collection of eight free calculators.1. Fabric Measurement Conversion, convert between decimals and fractions. 2. Backing and Batting Calculator, calculate how much yardage is needed for the backing and batting of a quilt. 3. Piece Count Calculator, shows the number of fabric pieces that can be cut from a large piece. 4. Pieces to Yardage Area Calculator, fabric needed to cut a set amount of a certain size piece 5. Binding Calculator, calculated fabric needed based on quilt dimensions and binding strip width. 6. Border Calculator, shows the amount of fabric needed to create borders. 7. Square in a Square Calculator, calculates dimensions of a square within a square block. 8. Set-in and Corner Triangle Calculator, calculates square size needed to create unfinished triangles.
iPhone only
Fabric Stash ($4.99): When you’re out shopping do you have trouble remembering what’s at home in your stash? Use this app to snap photos of your fabric along with any notes you may want to include such as measurements, where you bought it, price and more. You can view your stash according to color, style, manufacturer or project.
Pattern Pal ($4.99): Use this app to keep your patterns organized with name, brand, number, notes and photos. You can also track the fabric and notions needed for each pattern.
Quick and Easy Quilt Block Tool ($3.99): Browse 102 quilt block patterns and view cutting instructions and yardage requirements for each block in five sizes.
Quilt Index ($0.99): Browse through thousands of historical and contemporary quilt photos. You can also view the quiltmaker and quilt pattern names, dates and more.
Yardage Calc ($2.99): Convert between yards and meters or calculate how much fabric you’ll need when buying a different width than whatis specified on the package.
Android only
Quilt Binding Calculator ($0.99): Calculate the length and width of fabric needed for single or double-fold straight grain binding.
Note: To download the apps, go to the Android Market or the iPhone App Store depending on the type of phone you have, search for the app and download it directly on to your phone. If you have any favorite sewing apps that we’ve missed, let us know in the comments!
I just downloaded the free quiliting app for Android! Awesome!
Thanks so much for this list! Just downloaded new apps to play with! 🙂
I also like Quilt Index – it’s not going to help you figure out yardage, or get your stash under control, but it’s good eye candy. You can look through lots of pictures of quilts that are from all over the country – old, new, fancy, plain, pastel, bright. It’s not a perfect app, but it’s $0.99 and supports the Alliance for American Quilts as well as Michigan State’s Museum.
Thanks for the recommendation Deb, I’ll add it to the list!
This is great! Thanks so much for the helpful info! I will definitely be back to visit! 😀
Leigh Ann
I love the quick and easy quilt block tool! It not only shows you how to make blocks in different sizes it also shows how to quick cut things like 1/2 square triangles. If you need 2 hst blocks it tells you what size to cut to charm squares to sew in the middle and cut in half! I love it for when I am designing I dont have to figure out how to make block segments I just look them up on this tool. I wish I had a copy on my laptop
i have several of those apps, hehe! i would use the fabric stash one but don’t want to pay 5 bucks for it. thanks for posting!
We just released an app called Sew Organized in May 2018. 🙂 It’s free and it’s on Android and IOS. Because the data you input is on the cloud, you can access your information from any device when you login with your account. Would you be willing to add it to your list? 🙂
Mobile apps are essential for users.