Today, I’m excited to feature my friend Heather of The Sewing Loft and celebrate her patterns being licensed with Simplicity Creative Group. That’s right…the Simplicity patterns you can pick up at Jo-Ann’s or your favorite local craft store!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of the post!
Heather, congrats on your licensed patterns with Simplicity Creative Group! Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got started in pattern design?
Thank you. To say that I am excited to see my designs hit the store would be a complete understatement. I am still in a state of disbelief to know that a brand I grew up sewing has published my designs… Total “pinch me” moment!
Background: Well, I have been sewing forever. I started when I was around seven, just watching my mother and grandmother stitching away at the machine…. waiting for my turn. Later my passion turned into a career as a designer in the apparel industry and it has been non-stop from there.
Where do you get ideas for patterns and how do you record them?
I am a people watcher at heart! I love seeing what people are doing, wearing and interested in. When an idea strikes, I scribble it down in a note pad. I swear, I have too many to count floating around.
What does the process of designing a pattern look like for you?
Pattern making for me is like a complete rush. I sketch my idea on paper and then if I LOVE it, I can not rest until it is complete. Normally, I draft the pattern on paper or direct on my mannequin in muslin. Then, I dive head-first into sewing. Sadly, I am terrible at jotting down notes during the process. Instead, I am so dialed in on what the finished product should look like that I keep testing and tweaking until I get it right. It’s only after I am happy with the outlook that I realize I need to go back, recreate and develop step by step instructions for others to follow. I swear, you would think by now I would be more disciplined but the creative side of me always wins.
Do you have advice for other pattern designers who are looking to branch out into getting their work published?
My best advice to pass on to anyone interested in having their designs published is to reach out, introduce yourselves to brands and see if they are interested. New talent is being discovered everyday! And the biggest surprise to me was just how long the process has taken. This little labor of love started back in September of 2011 with a simple connection and it was not until last summer that things really started to get rolling. Best advice: Be patient.
Yay, congrats to Heather!
Thank you so much for the feature today Lindsay and sharing my good news!
That would have to be an amazing feeling. Congratulations Heather.!