If you sell handmade goods or craft supplies on Etsy, why not list your site on the Everything Etsy Directory? A basic listing is free, and takes just a couple minutes to set up!
Whether you are shopping for children, jewelry, or edibles, it’s easy to browse shops and support handmade with the directory.
Besides the traffic you’ll get from being listed in a major handmade directory, your Etsy shop will benefit from having another quality backlink to your site. (In non-techy terms, this means that another craft-related site is linking to your Etsy shop, which helps move your site one notch closer to the top of search engines.)
Backlinks take time to build, but they are crucial in the promotion of your handmade business. Here are some tips on effective ways to build backlinks to your Etsy shop. (This also applies to handmade bloggers!)
- Start a blog about your handmade business, and link back to your shop as well as your other favorite Etsy stores.
- Open accounts with one or two social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, Flickr or Youtube), and use these sites to link back to new items in your store.
- Find some other handmade sellers to partner with and blog, Tweet or Facebook about their shops. Ask them to do the same for you.
- Ask if other handmade bloggers will add your Etsy shop to their blogroll (sidebar).
- Add your Etsy shop URL to your signature for posting on forums.
- List your website in relevant directories.
Intro To Link Building For Etsy Shop SEO from Everything Etsy on Vimeo.
Giveaway Winner!
Out of 59 comments, the winner of the Memory Miser giveaway is lucky #25, Niki. Congratulations Niki!
Thanks for these tips! I am your newest follower! 🙂
Thanks for the tips, really informative video, just been debating about opening an Etsy store.
Have a listing on Everything Etsy. Wanted to update the listing but can’t remember my password. Cannot find any info on the site on how to reset password. Tried registering for a new username but it will not let me.
Any suggestions or do you have an e-mail for this directory? Thanks.
Try kim (at) everythingetsy.com.
This tips is really good for all. Few days ago I Lunching a Etsy eCommerce store. I’m new visitor for your directory . From now on i always visite your site. because you give very informative tips for your visitors. Thank you!