Coats and Clark wants to help you with your Craft Book Month projects, and you have 5 chances to win! One lucky Craft Buds reader will win a Coats and Clark Anniversary Tin filled with sewing goodies like fabric, zippers and thread.
2) For a second entry, Like Coats and Clark on Facebook and leave a second comment telling us you did!
Check out the other giveaways all week long for 5 chances to win!
Monday, 9/16: Craft Buds
Tuesday, 9/17: West Coast Crafty
Wednesday, 9/18: Olive and Ollie
Thursday, 9/19: Simple Simon and Co.
Friday, 9/20: CraftFoxes
Entries are open worldwide, and we’ll choose one lucky winner a week from the date of this post. Good luck!
Update: Congrats to commenter #325, Daphne!
I can get motivated to sew just by browsing Pinterest or going through my stash… I usually come up with several new project ideas that just need to get started!
I get motivated by lovely fabrics:)
Liked Coats&Clark on fb!
I look at blogs and get great ideas!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I find a lack of motivation really hard to recover from. Usually just forcing myself to sew something makes me motivated.
i get motivated when i see something cute to make for my boys!
i like coats and clark on facebook!
I look at websites and blogs and can always find something that inspires me.
I liked you on Facebook.
When I’m in a sewing rut, I browse through my favourite projects on flickr & Pinterest. If that doesn’t get me motivated, I take a little break, read some craft books & wait for inspiration to strike. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
A trip to the fabric store or browsing my favorite sewing magazines usually gives me a kick start. If not, an upcoming birthday usually gets me going.
Looking at other peoples amazing work on their blogs usually helps me!
I already like Coats and Clark on FB (Deborah Gunthorpe)
I get motivated by looking at my favorite blogs, Their favorite blogs, seeing pics on flickr and pinterest, and sometimes just completely changing my palette for a “what if- just because”
I usually look through my patterns, fabric and notions and can always come up with a few good projects just waiting to get started!
I follow Coats and Clark on Facebook, and my mom does too 😀
I already liked C&C on FB:)
I sew for a children’s hospital. If I want motivation all I have to do is walk into that hospital!
I like C&C on Facebook.
When I’m in a quilting rut, I look for. A new bag pattern to make. Sometimes I make two three different bags before I feel inspired to make another quilt.
I like C&C on Facebook
I like Coats and Clark on FB.
I like C&C on Facebook. (Stitching Happily)
I find looking at sewing sites on the internet really motivate me to creating sewing projects.
I really “like” C & C on Facebook
When my mojo wanes I get inspired by picking some beautiful fabric and completing a small project to get my juices flowing again. Thanks
I Like C& C on facebook
some new fabric or a blog post of something fun
I get motivated by looking at my fabric stash and patterns. I’m really a bag sewing addict and I get a lot of satisfaction when seeing the finished product. I have a list of matching fabrics and patterns I have that I want to sew. Just making a check on one item motivates me to go for the next one. I love Coats and Clarks and that tin is gorgeous. Will love to win.
Usually someone in the family needs mending done or something mad!
usually get into a rut when my patterns quite don’t fit me and i need to alter a lot. I work on easy projects for my kids then and that typically gets me back in the grrove
I get motivated by talking to my sewing friend and throwing ideas around.
i am new to sewing and haven’t yet figured out how to get past a sewing rut…..i am still a bit intimidated and have a hard time making myself sit down and start.
i already like C&C on facebook
I definitely have had this happen. I like to read blogs, sketch, and visit the LQS.
I already like C&C on FB!
Stacks of unfinished projects motivate me to finish some so I can get organized!
Liked on FB! 🙂
I get motivated by seeing all of Bonnie Hunter’s facebook postings of other people’s quilts!
to jumpstart myself when I’ve lost my mojo I blog hop and browse Pinterest
I already liked coats and clark
I love the wide zippers!! thank you
If I get in a rut I browse Pinterest, blogs and visit the fabric store. Something will catch my eye and make me want to sew.
My grandkids give me the ideas I need !!! Halloween is coming kiddies!!!
My Husband and family. Mostly because the projects I have are things for them right now.
I just have to look at a piece of fabric , and get some many ideas, my problem is to pick the right one.
C&C on fb is “liked’
I already like C&C on FB.
I browse through the many books and magazines l have to find inspiration. Posts on pinterest and other websites also help to generate ideas.
All the beautiful fabrics that are available inspire me to sew at anytime, especially if I am in a “sewing rut”.
I get motivated by looking a new pattern or craft books…
Love C&C and liked on FB.
When I need motivation, I just stop and remember why I am making this project. The time there brings back the thought I put into preparing for this endever. Then I am able to get busy and finish and enjoy the product I made
I liked on facebook
When Im in a sewing rut a trip to the local fabric store will usually do the trick or sometimes just visiting my favorite blogs will inspire me 🙂
I use Bonnie Hunter and Eleanor Burns to motivate me to make something every week.
Marilyn in MS
I make myself go in and sew for an hour every week day. Usually this ends up being 3-4 hours. I enjoy it so much that once I get in my sewing room, I hate to leave. I also try to make up some soup or something easy to reheat so I can grab something quick through the week. The weekends I leave open in case I want to go out somewhere with family or friends.
I like C&C on FB.
Marilyn in MS
Motivation for me comes from money, and my inability to do anything else until I finish my project.
When in a rut the Internet sewing mags fb Pinterest can all be my inspiration as I find a lot if projects that can be easily sewn in no time and coats and Clark’s usually help may it possible
All I need is a quilt show or one of my new magazines to arrive and I gotta go sew!
Already liked Coats & Clarks because I use and love their embroidery thread.
it motivates me to look for new projects, new patterns …
I already like Coats & Clark on facebook!
I get motivated to sew by looking at what others are sewing on their blogs and on Facebook
I liked on FB
I already like Coates & Clark on facebook!!
Looking through sewing blogs is what motivates me when I have no motivation!
When I get in a sewing rut, I break the quilt blocks that I am working on and start arranging them into a quilt to inspire me to keep making more blocks!!
I already have “liked” Coats & Clark” on Facebook 🙂
I also liked C&C on facebook.
I look for new ideas online. But mostly they find me when I’m not looking!
what motivates me is looking at sewing blogs and similar pages. Also finding a free pattern is always good motivation.
I get motivated by doing a little “shopping” in my stash. Putting together fabric bundles that go nice together. The next thing I know I have a pattern and am sewing away!
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Blogs and bloggers!
I already “like” you on FB.
When I’m in a sewing rut it always helps to take a class to learn something new.
My daughter holding up a pattern and giving me “the face”… lol.
I like Coats and Clark on facebook. 🙂
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook!
I have my fabric stash organised in piles: one for sewing clothes, one for patchwork, one for making bags, one for making softies etc. So if I get stuck, I just look at those piles, think about all the plans I have for each pile and then it is easy to choose. 🙂
I motivate myself by looking through all my bookmarked craft stuff then usually one leaps out at me to say “Make me!”.
I get motivated by browsing the many beautiful sewing and quilt books available now. I love to try new things all the time.
I have “like”d Coats & Clark on FB for a goodly while already.
I had liked Coats and Clark on FB long ago 🙂
I get most of my inspiration from fabric but also from blogs and FB.
Finding a really flattering pattern that comes in my size.
I liked Coats & Clark on Facebook.
sometimes just a deadline to get something finished so that I can move onto something that i think is more fun. I also like to watch sewing related shows I’ve recorded on TIVO or look through my sewing and quilting magazines. Thanks!
I get motivated by taking a trip to a fabric store. I could spend hours and hours there getting my creative juices flowing and who couldn’t use more FABRIC 🙂
I look on line and in books to get my inspiration
I already like you and Coats and Clark on FB
I already “like” Coats and Clark. Thanks!!
When I am in a rut I usually will go somewhere to watch people. People usually will give me some idea where to start next. Especially children and their color combinations are sometimes extrodinary.
When I get in a sewing rut,I like to look at all the beautiful patterns online and in at the store and this motivates me.
New fabric and new patterns/ideas motivate me to sew 🙂
Already “liked” Coats and Clarks 🙂
I love coats and clark !
I love to sew on rainy days and after visiting a quilt shop.
I take a look through my fabric stash!
I already ‘like’ you on FB
I already liked Coats and Clark. Thank You !!
when in a sewing rut I just hang out with my sewing buddies and see what they’ve been up too, they are always inspiring 🙂
i liked you on facebook
I am always motivated by a new pattern or beautiful fabric.
I get motivated by seeing beautiful patterns on websites like yours!
already “like” coats and clark
New patterns and talking to others motivates me to sew. I already liked Coats & Clark on Facebook!
I like you on Facebook.
Just looking at a fabulous piece of fabric can really get the creativity flowing!
I get motivated by reading sewing and quilting blogs.
I already like you and Coats & Clarke!!
I liked Coats & Clark on Facebook.
Liked Coats and Clark on FB
Looking at my lovely fabrics and threads gets me going.
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook.
I don’t get into a sewing rut very often, but if I do, I check out a new book, magazine, pattern, Pintrest or blog. Doesn’t take long for the urge to hit the machine, rotary cutter and fabric hits again.
When I get in a rut I just browse through my collection of craft patterns and all the creative juices start flowing again! Then it’s off to the sewing machine to whip up a new project.
Already a follower on Facebook
Liked Coats and Clark on Facebook.
Liked coates and clark on facebook
If I am in a sewing rut, I will make a Hobby Lobby run and browse the fabric section. Something about the thought of new fabric will make me want to start up again.
Pinterest always inspires me to get sewing again!
I am a FB fan of Coats & Clark!
When I am in a rut I usually move on to another project that I am more excited about and then go back to the one I was stuck on 🙂
I am already a fan on coats and clarks on facebook!
when i get in a rut i look on pinterest then go through my fabrics to find something to make
Usually all it takes to get out of my sewing rut is to find a really pretty fabric!!! Then my mind goes wild with the possibilities!!!
When in a rut, I take out a easy project and work on it. Like a strip quilt.
Already like you on FB!!!
I simply look at my fabric stash. That inspires me to design a new pattern.
Usually, I browse thru pinterest, or sometimes just walking thru the fabric store is enough to get my creative juices flowing.
I get excited when I see colorful fabric and want to make something cute for my granddaughter!
When I’m in a sewing rut, I pull out patterns and books from my collection of favorites. I also visit great sewing/quilting/fabric blogs and websites for inspiration.
I like Coats& Clark already on FB
Going through my stash and finding something that I just had to make and never got to it.
I am a follower on FB.
In a sewing rut, I call my MIL and talk about projects and what she is working on, that usually gets me motivated to get back in the groove.
I get motivated when I see projects on-line that I want to try.
Beautiful fabric & thread!
like on fb
I get motivated by looking at stash or going out and finding a fun, new pattern.
Already liked Coats & Clark
Yipes! I’m in a sewing rut right now and am just crawling out. I looked at blogs trying to get going and finally got motivated by going through my stash and deciding on fabric choices for charity baby quilts. I think winning your giveaway would really keep me motivated.
I now like you on facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
A challenge gets me out of a sewing rut.
I already follow on Facebook
When I get in a rut, I will work on something else for a while till the stitching mojo comes back1
If I’m in a rut, I browse all the wonderful blogs out there looking for project inspiration.
I’m already a follower on facebook
My good friend is always working on interesting projects. One call from her and I am ready to get back to work. I also start looking through older issues of my crafting and quilting magazines.
When I’m in a sewing rut, Pinterest inspires me to start another project. There are so many cute and useful things to sew.
I liked Coats & Clark on Facebook.
I have liked Coats and Clark on Facebook. Thank you for the giveaway.
Usually having someone ask me to make something, like the 100 dog bandanas I just finished, the momentum carries me to MY next project.
I get motivated with beautiful fabrics, and the desire to see how will it look when is ended 😀
When I am in a sewing rut I usually turn to Pinterest because there are so many projects on there. I have definitely pinned more than I could ever think of completing!
When I’m stuck, I take a walk and look for patterns in my surroundings–nature is beautiful inspiration!
Motivation comes from blogs, Facebook, my fabric stash and friends!
I’ve liked C & C on Facebook.
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook!
I get motivated by my daughter telling me how she would REALLY love a new skirt.
I have sewn with Coats & Clark all my life (some 50 years). It neveer fails me.
I already liked Coats & Clark 😀
I have liked Coast & Clark on FB.
I like Coats and Clark on FB
Some interesting fabric or a blob post for something interesting that someone has made!
When I am in a rut and in need of ideas, I pull out my collection of old Mary Engelbreit and Threads magazines that I have saved over the years. That always gets me thinking and scheming about new projects!
I already liked Coats & Clark on FB some time back.
Buying fabric!! lol
Or stash diving.
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook.
I liked C&C on FB. (Laura Bosch)
I like to look through old magazines when in a rut, it seems to always inspire some creativity!
Liked Coats and Clark on facebook
I try and find motivation from my Grandmother. When I’m in a Rut I call her or go for a visit
Usually when I see someone else’s great work it inspires me to get out of my rut.
When I am in a sewing rut, my grandchildren usually get me motivated to sew, making gifts and toys for them.
Christmas is just around the corner – that’s my motivation!
When I am in a sewing rut, I either look at patterns or go to Pinterest. Both help me get in the mood to create.
Liked Coats and Clark on FB
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook.
The thing that inspires me is the creative ideas on and Pinterest. That and great fabrics and trims.
I follow Coats and Clark on Facebook.
Finding a pattern that “speaks” to me.
I already like Coats and Clark on Facebook!!!!
When I am in a rut, I look through some of my quilting and sewing books for inspiration.
I already “Liked” Coats & Clark. I told them again what such a sewing staple I think they are. Also, they are creating new products all the time and I am inspired by them.
Reading all the great sewing blogs out there helps me get my sewjo back!
I fix a cup of tea, sit outside on the deck and just think what would be fun to do today! Usually it has something to do with the Granddaughter who started to sew this year and we always have something to finish. I has been a hard year with illness in the family and sewing or crafts takes my mind off of all things going on in my life-with a project going on I can get away from all the problems and be at peace with myself. Use Coats and Clark all of the time!
When I am in a rut, looking at a new quilt magazine or a visit to a quilt shop will get some new ideas going thru my brain and motivate me to start a new project
I already like Coats and Clark on Facebook
Would love to win, thanks
Hi!! When I get in a rut, I find inspiration by looking online at blogs,websites and at magazines and books. That usually gets the creative juices running again! Thank you for the chance to win.
would love to win this. when I get in a rut I take a break and figure out what a new pattern would be fun to work with.
I follow coats and Clark on facebook
I have liked Coats & Clark on Facebook!
My granddaughter is wanting to learn how to sew, to sew with her is a dream come true as I had boys. Athough they both know how to sew a bit. My motivation if I ever need one is my family and making costumes , p,j’s etc . for them. I love to sew and would love this giveaway.
I already follow Coats and Clark on FB and follow their blog by e-mail.
When I need a jump start to get back to sewing I organize my sewing room. Then I look at the UFO’s that are waiting for me to finish…..then I ultimately start a new project!
Great giveaway
Going to pick up my grandaughter so we can work on a blanket for her build a bear. Great fun.
I liked them on facebook
I get motivated when the weather is bad ant I can’t go outside
I get motivated by looking at my little baby :). I already like Coats and Clark on Facebook!
Getting motivated to sew is hard sometimes. I have to just push myself & jump in.
For inspiration I look at blogs, my stash of vintage patterns and go to the nearest fabric shop. That combination never fails to get me going on a new project.
I look at my fabric stash or through a few of the quilting books or magazines I have – they usually get my creative juices flowing! Thanks for the give away!
I already like Coats and Clark on Facebook.
I liked Coats and Clark on Facebook.
I like you on Facebook.
I already like Coates & Clarke on Facebook but also liked this post.
When I’m in a rut I dig through my “loves & Ideas” box of patterns and pics I collected for future crafting…I am always amazed at the beautiful ideas stored in that box that I forgot about….I always find something to inspire me all over again from it.
I looked at new patterns.
I like to browse fashion magazines for inspiration.
When I’m in a rut, I look at fabric or through new patterns. I usually end up with a new project!
Motivation for me is a nice sunny day to work in my studio!
I have so many wonderful ways to get motivated by magazines, FB . Thanks
Buying new fabric!
I’ve liked Coats and Clark on Facebook for a while. 🙂
I follow you on Facebook . Thanks
I find that colors help to motivate me, they can be outside or in my fabric stash mainly.
If i am in a rut, I tidy up my fabrics, and then i get inspired instantly.
Motivates me: Going to the fabric,books,magazines and Pinterest 😉
When I’m in a rut I like to make something that is completed quickly, it gives me a boost to make more 🙂
I al
I already like Coats&Clarks on Facebook
I already like coats and clarks on Facebook 🙂
The beautiful new colors and patterns of fabric are inspiration enough! When I’m feeling a serious slump, I know it’s time to swap out and update the fabrics! 🙂
Finding a great new pattern usually gets me out of a rut.
I have liked you (for a long time) on FB.
Usually my kiddos. 🙂 But also, just looking through my patterns or pinterest or having something someone has mentioned they could use will do it too. I’d much rather “inspired” sewing than “required”! 🙂
Having something that needs to be done is motivation for me.
If I’m in a rut, I get on-line on Facebook and see all the projects that have been posted.
I’m already a can of Coats & Clark on Facebook.
I “like” Coats & Clark on facebook too!
I already liked Coats&Clarks on Facebook!
Great giveaway. I’d love to win.
I think that seeing something and knowing I could make it, that stirs something up in me.
When I am in a rut I attend my sewing guild meeting and the other ladies inspire me with their creativity!
I liked Coats & Clark on FaceBook.
I liked Coats & Clark on Facebook
testing a pattern motivates me to sew because there’s a deadline. Or, if my kids *really* need some clothes!
I get motivated by watching quilting videos on youtube or checking out all the lovely projects on Pinterest!
I already liked their Facebook page and gfollow them their.
I follow you on Facebook 🙂
When I get in a rut. I go to Pinterest and cruise the projects and go to Joann’s fabric store or buy a new quilting/ sewing or stitchery magazine for inspiration.
I don’t need a lot of motivation to sew, it’s my favorite thing to do. I am always searching for cute things to sew, and I can’t wait to try them. I must admit, there are days that I can’t get motivated to do much of anything. Then I start looking at what other people have done, and get excited to try the same thing.
Petting my fabric 🙂
I like Coats and Clark wrote on fb
I’m inspired by others creativity
If I am in a rut, I look at my quilting ideas — looseleaf notebooks with clear pages filled with projects I want to do, and quilts that I like…usually that gets me going!
I follow Coats & Clark’s Facebook page!
Sometimes it just fabric, sometimes it blogs, where I see an idea, or someone makes something and I think I can do that. I get ideas everywhere.
Looking at all of the nifty gadgets and tools that will make sewing more fun.
I liked Coats and Clark on Facebook.
When I am in a rut I get my sewing books out and leaf through the pictures. Sometimes I go on Pinterest to get new ideas.
A new baby on the way, gets me pulling material and figuring out what I want to make. New arrivals are the sweetest!!
I have a “when I have time” wish list on my computer and if I need inspiration, can always find something to start on.
I have “liked” Coats & Clark on Facebook – some time ago.
Looking at a pattern book or going thru my fabric stash inspires me to get busy! All I need is to get a sewing room and I would be much more productive.
When I’m in a sewing slump I look through sewing idea’s until I find something I HAVE to make! LOL
I already like Coats & Clark! It’s good stuff 🙂
Well, actually I’ve never been in a sewing rut, so I can’t really give any advice!
I follow coats & clark on FB 🙂
Whenever I get in a sewing rutt I just go to Coats and clark website for inspiration and motivation…
I rest my thoughts with wonderful colors and fabrics. Go through my stash of fabrics and get so many refreshing idea.Just relax with all textures and colors.
Thinking of my next project gets me moving:)
It always helps if I have a deadline. Otherwise, I find inspiration from blogs on the internet to get back at it!
I look to my fabric and notions stash to see what I can come up with…
I follow coats and clark on fb.
Already Liked on Facebook!
I get inspired on Pinterest by easy-peasy projects.
I am a procrastionator!!! I get motivated by time deadlines!!! But I enjoy looking at all the pretty quilts everyone else makes!!!
necessity. A have-to-do project like a gift. Then I’m reminded how much I like sewing again. Sometimes I pick back up the project that scared me away too!
Looking at sewing blogs always helps me to pick up my scissors and get started. Also fun events like contests 🙂
I like coats & clark on facebook!
I don’t normally get in a sewing rut , I am always looking for new patterns and pretty fabric and that keeps me going!
I take a trip to my favorite fabric store.
I liked you on Facebook!
When I am in a rut, it’s because I have screwed something up! Sometimes I can fix it easily other times, it goes to the land of UFOs. Many times though I will unrut myself by looking at a new piece of fabric and begin the design process from one piece of fabric. I almost never say–This is what I am making, because I let the fabric lead me to where it wants to go.
when I’m in a sewing run, I check out burda’s webpage, or look through my fabrics to see if one sparks an idean. Sometimes I just have to make myself finish the project to start a new one.
When I’m in a sewing rut it’s usually because I’ve been putting too much time into a project. If I step away for a while and give myself some recovery time I come back better than ever. I think that’s why quilters usually have several projects going at the same time; it prevents us from getting bored and lacking in creativity.
Browwing fabric makes me want to sew. I have to use up old fabric so I can buy new! 🙂
I have been following Coats and Clark on facebook.
When I’m in a rut, I search youtube for new sewing techniques.
I do follow Coats and Clark on fb.
Usually, having a few moments to myself will do it. I put a project aside for ages, and forget about it, but as soon as I remember it, with a little free time in front of me, I take it up again.
Going shopping and realizing I can make a lot of what I see in stores motivates me to sew. Recently, a motivation was my husband bought a seer sucker shirt and it made want it make a seer sucker shirt dress for next spring.
Oh, I get inspired by looking at sewing blogs and websites, snd pintrest! I can always find something new I want to try or get my creative juices flowing!
I liked Coats and Clark on fb a long time ago! Like so many of the ideas posted on fb:)
I’m already a follower of Clarks & Coats on facebook.
When I’m in a rut, I take on a small project that I can finish in an afternoon. The fun of finishing usually spurs me to get back in the sewing room for more!
My grandchildren are usually my motivation. If I am not making something for them, seeing a picture on fb or on Pinterest will set me on track. 🙂 Thanks for having this great giveaway!! 🙂
I am already a follower of Clarks and Coats on fb. Thanks so much!! 🙂 You are always an inspiration! So many great projects on your pages.
I’m motivated by a deadline! Hate to admit it but a birthday or holiday looming that I want/need to make gifts for gets me rolling! Once I start playing with fabric I’m usually fine!
oops, I meant Coats & Clarks I think I am becoming dyslexic!
I go to Pinterest or go to the blogs to look for ideas. Thanks for the giveaway.
I already follow Coats and Clark on facebook.
I like Coats and Clark on (and off) facebook. To bad there isn’t a “Love” button!
Either signing up to be a pattern tester… then I have a deadline or getting my boys to pick fabric & an item of clothing or a gym bag or something they need and it has to be sewn. Also wandering through the fabric stores helps too. 🙂
I like looking at my fabrics and quilting magazines for inspiration. If that doesn’t work then I head to the store to see the displays and what the latest designs in home decor is. Usually seeing new colors and patterns does the trick.
I already like Coats & Clark on facebook! 🙂
A new pattern motivates me!
When in a sewing rut, I like to search the internet for a simple quick project. Having a completed item gives me the motivation I need to sew again!
I have been a Coats & Clark FB fan for awhile!
Usually going through some recent patterns that I’ve purchased or found online will get me back in the mood to sew again.
OMG sewing is just in my blood, CrEaTiViTYYY!! Remember watching my mom sew as a child asking her to please teach me. Using her scraps to make my Betsy McCallls doll clothing. Could not wait to actually learn the official learning. Took sewing in summer school at theage of 11 and made my first patterned dress, and have been hooked ever since!! Looking back it was a real confidence booster and a good problem solving start. Love it, love it……… !!!
I have already liked Coats and Clark on my FB page!!!
A great new quilt book is likely to get me out of a sewing rut! Just picked up the latest book by my favorite designers, that should do it. Seeing an antique quilt can also stir my quilting instincts. Also, buying a new or interesting machine foot can also getme excited about using the machine.
I also liked Coats and Clark on fb long ago, and still like them.
When I’m in a sewing rut I just find something simple and start from there.
I like Coats & Clark on fb.
My family, we strive to have weekly craft nights with my mother and sisters (and sometimes nieces and grandmothers too!). Having people to support me, provide ideas, and/or push half finished projects of their own onto me is helpful.
When I’m in a sewing rut, I like to go on the internet and see wonderful things to make – large items and small items. I like Pinterest and I also like to look through my favorite magazines to see all the new items to make.
Create something unique 🙂
My inspiration comes from online sights like Craft Buds, Sew Can She, Michaels, etc. I wish I was that talented!
I already “like” Coats & Clark on FB
When I’m in a rut, I love looking at quilt magazines & pinterest & quilting blogs. My grandchildren also inspire me. I love Coats & Clark . . . thanks for a chance to win this awesome giveaway!
usually, I work on something else for a while, knitting or crocheting or some other craft, even reading a good book, then I feel more motivated to get back to my sewing…
I “like” Coats & Clark on facebook!!!!
My motivation comes from seeing something that needs to be made(such as a bag for my bento, a satchel for small trinkets etc.).
I like coats and clark!
When I am in a rut, I like to go to the fabric store.
liked you on facebook
Browsing through pattern books! There’s always something that stirs my interest!
I look at blogs, books and magazines to get great ideas!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I following C&C on facebook too!
I “liked” Coats & Clark on Facebook!
I get motivated by watching Project Runway, or looking at my past projects! Thanks for the giveaway!
I get motivated to sew when I go through my fabric
to put it in better order. I see ALL
A great bag design gets me excited again!
Definitely “like”ing Coats & Clark on FB
I get motivated by browsing through my idea sketchbook.
I like Coats & Clark on facebook.
I get motivated to sew when a deadline is coming up that I have to get something finished. I get motivated when I go into my sewing room to straighten up the fabrics and find one that I just
HAVE to get something made up with it. I get motivated when I see all the beautiful fabrics in
magazines and TV. It doesn’t take much to make me
motivated but I never seem to get anything done unless a deadline is near! I guess I work best under pressure!!!
When I’m in a rut and need motivation, I look at my dinning room table full of fabric, sewing machine, sewing paraphernalia, pictures of projects and patterns; I get inspired.
I look around at nature at all the colors to get me inspired. I like Coats & Clark on FB.
Fabric, fabric,fabric. there are some that just begs for me to use it.
I like Coats & Clark on FB.
Already liked Coats and Clark Thread!
I get in a rut, or a slump when I make a mistake and it annoys me that I did. I get motivated when I see fresh new fabrics.
Of course I follow Coats & Clark on FB they are my #1 go to for quilting thread
if i am in a rut, i visit with my mom and sister. together, we motivate each other, bounce ideas around and then i run with it..
i like coats and clark on facebook
I get modivated when I am at my quilt club meeting and see all the beautiful applique work.
I usually look on fb and get inspired by the quilt and sewing blogs I follow
I become motivated by finding a pattern I really like.
follow Coats and Clark on fb
I like C&C on Facebook.
I get motivated when I see something tat I like in beautiful colors!
When I’m in a sewing rut my sewing friends always get me motivated.
I get motivated sometimes by scrolling my facebook newsfeed and seeing what others are making or showing off. I also like to look at tutorials and videos, then I want to make everything!
Liked Coats and Clark on FB
I like Coats and Clark on facebook and in real life!
I make up my mind one of my family members have not been given a quilt by me, and get my rear in gear!
I can be motivated to sew after looking at new quilt ideas or small sewing projects.
Magazines and the Internet work every single time! All the ideas, you have to get sewing again!
I have like Coats and Clark for a very long time on FB. They are the first thread I used 50+ years ago! I hope I win, it would be a first for me, lol.
When I’m in a rut, I go to my sewing room and start putting away all the fabrics I’ve bought, or pulled out. And there is always something. Once the space is cleaner and neater, I’m ready to start on something spectacular!
usually watching a quilting videoinspires me to get cracking, and do up all thos ufos I have so I can move on to more !
I like C&C on FB
I watch you tube videos, and go on Pinterest sometimes.or go to
When I’m in a rut, it’s usually because I’ve been working on a big project for too long. Often I’ll step away from the machine and switch to a smaller item that incorporates a different sewing technique (ex: embroidery, cross stitch, hand quilting, sewing on buttons)for a while. Variety is the spice of life!
I already like Coats and Clark on Facebook!
seeing beautiful new fabric or a new quilt someone has made motivates me
Nothing motivates me like a deadline
Usually I take a break from it, then look through my fabrics & get inspired to go on! Love C&C!
I get motivated by all the blogs I read!
I really get motivated by looking at all the quilts that other people have made and shared.
Thanks for this opportunity, Carol
I usually just find a pattern online I love. I save it for days I need inspiration 🙂
All I have to do is enter my craft room and the creative juices start working.
When I am in a rut, I can always find lots of inspiration on Pinterest.
Anybody needing a gift gets me going, baby rag quilts are my favorite to sew.
I usually have to sew my way out of a rut.
sometimes all i need is a break. seeing what everyone else is doing in blogland is also a great motivator.
Did the Facebook like for C&
Unfortunately, these days what motivates me most is NEED! LOL What comes in a close second is a need to be creative.
Fabric inspires and motivates me. Ideas from AllFreeSewing and a number of blogs I follow generate ideas and then the fabric, especially in the remnant bin, will speak!
Already ‘liked’ coats and Clark on FB!
Working on a block exchange helps me get out of a rut.
I already “like” Coats & Clark on FB>
I do that, too, Heidi. Sometimes I will remember a project already started, but just put away ‘for now’, and will become inspired to resume work on it.
My only grandaughter who is 3 lives hundreds of miles away. She inspires me to sew . When I talk to her on the phone she always has an idea for me to sew—could not ask for a better inspiration.
When i see some nice fabrics and pretty patterns for my lille daughter 🙂
Me too: Been ‘liking’ Coats & Clark for quite some time, now!
New gorgeous fabrics get me going. Belonging to a guild is inspiring especially if you belong to a fun guild like I do.
I already follow Coats and Clark on FB.
I buy a new quilt magazine and do a little “dreaming”
when in a sewing rut, I just go web searching and I find tons of projects that I would love to make… Gotta love the web for in the past I would have hit the book store or waited for my quilt magazine to arrive..
I have been a FB fan of coats and clark for some time now
Usually just looking through my fabric stash or list of patterns inspires me to try something new
I Like Coats and Clark on Facebook
When I’m in a sewing rut I look at patterns and fabric that I have and I always get inspired.
I get motivated by visiting the local quilt shop and seeing what is new.
My stash or a class
I like coats and clark on favebook
I get inspired by beautiful patterns and fabric.
I have a browse on pinterest: it never fails to get my fabric/wool out 🙂
I have like Coast & Clark on FB for yonks 🙂
I look thru my Pintrest pages and find new projects!
I get inspired by all the crafts on pinterest.
I get motivated by going through my beautiful fabric.
I have already liked coats and clark
I am inspired to begin a new quilt by interesting patterns that I see online or in magazines. Immediately I go to my stash and begin choosing fabrics. (Of course, I do begin many projects that never get finished.LOL)
I like Coats & Clark on FB.
I like their facebook page.
I just go into my sewing/bedroom and look at all I get to play with material galore and thread and I start planning and away I go
I wander around the internet and that will usually inspire me to start something!
I like C&C on FB
I can be easily motivated looking through all the patterns I already have, as well as my books!
I have definitely liked Coats & Clark
I keep lots of little “instant gratification” projects on hand. Just whip one up in a couple hours and I am ready, once again, to tackle the big stuff.
I already liked you on facebook
I liked C&C on FB.
If looking through my blog roll or Pinterest quilting boards isn’t enough I just force myself to start sewing… then I get motivated!
honestly, flickr swaps get my creative juices running again….
when I get in a sewing rut, I look through pinterest for ideas or go t my local quilting shop to browse through their fabrics which usually gives me some inspiration and gets me fired up to start sewing.
I liked coats and clark on facebook
I get inspired by new patterns
I grab some of my quilt books off the shelf & start browsing. I always find something to motivate me to sew. Thanks.
Already liking Coats & Clark on FB. Thanks again.
already like on facebook
Organizing my sewing area gets me re-motivated!
like coats and clark on facebook
What a lovely giveaway!
When i’m sewing i forgot about everything…
It’s so much love for my work that i only stop when all the work is done.
Reading one of my favorite sewing blogs seems to help with a new idea
I am in a rut right now, just can’t get motivated. I have fall things I want to finish, but can’t get myself going.
When I need motivation I read the emails I get from different sewing and quilting blogs.
I look at the different fabrics in my hoard and boom I’m inspired. 🙂
I already follow Coats and Clark on FB! Wakka Wakka
My motivation comes from my friend and best quilting buddy, Charlotte. xx
Coats and Clark liked. Now I’m going back to browse their page! Thank you.
Getting new fabric and supplies is good motivation.
I sew for charity, laundry bags for Aussie Heroes, dresses for dress a girl around the world, quilts for Papua New Guinea bags for Angels for the Forgotten, then in between gifts for friends.There is plenty to sew!
Just by making myself go into my sewing room and start sewing. T get so involved in sewing that I forget to come out of my sewing room.
I’m motivated by seeing what other people are doing on blogs or pinterest (could waste many, many hours there!). A good mag and a cup of tea works wonders too.
I don’t like to be in that rut and I get very restless and cranky, so I usually find a small project to keep me happily creating!!
I liked Coats and Clark on FB – thanks!!
I already do like on facebook.
I look at my stash of fabric and trim.
Already liked!
I get inspired by magazines and catalogs. Layouts are beautiful, colors are great and in the clothing catalogs, the models are usually perfectly pulled together.
Usually sewing blogs or my granddaughters motivate me to sew something pretty. I love making little dresses for my four grands.
Deadlines. Sometimes I have been known to procrastinate!
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Liked on facebook.
A cup of coffee and sunrise or sunset.
I like Coats and Clark on facebook
Reading blogs and cruising through YouTube .
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook.
When I get in a sewing rut, I go to JoAnn’s and look through patterns to get inspiration, or ask my family what items they think would come in handy, and then it sparks some unique ideas in my head. :0)
I have liked Coats & Clark on facebook for quite a while :0)
When I am in a rut, I like to go through my magazines to get ideas and get inspired to create again
I look at the fabric
I already like Coats & Clark on Facebook
liked you on fb!
When I don’t feel like sewing I read my emails which are mostly the blogs I follow. They have such beautiful quilts ghat I just want to start sewing again.
I liked Coats Nd Clark on facebook
I am motivated after going to a quilt show and seeing the beautiful quilts. Liked you on Facebook.
I get motivated by browsing Pinterest, blogs & Etsy.
I follow Coats & Clark on Facebook.
To get motivated, I think of all the dear people I want to sew for. I also get motivated by blog hops like this, or by visiting Pinterest. Thanks for the fun!
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook. Thanks again!
I browse Pinterest and I get really motivated when I watch Project Runway.
I like Coats and Clark on FB
I get motivated every time I look at quilting magazines, patterns or fabrics. I am working on 3 projects right now. Sew many projects, sew little time.
I liked Coats and Clark on FB – thanks!!
My sewing friends re-motivate me!
I look at fabric online for new inspiration.
Sometimes, when walking through a store, I see something that sparks an idea for making clothes. Usually, I look through catalogs for ideas. Speigels is great for that.
I liked Coats and Clark
I get motivated to sew when I find cute DIY items on Pinterest and Etsy or when I find a beautiful fabric that I must have.
Following Coats & Clark on FB!
I usually use the Internet and search images for new ideas.
grew up using these products
I liked you on Facebook.
I am motivated by seeing other people’s work.
I browse by books and magazines. Sometimes I’ll browse the web. Get out my sketchbook and play.
Browse the Internet!
My daughter always motivates me. She finds more clothing items for me to copy or recreate especially for her than I will ever come up with on my own. It’s the, “Mom, can you make me…..?” that keeps me going. 🙂
I follow Coats and Clark on Facebook.
by seeing that perfect bolt of material
Just having a weekend away with my sewing friends (24 of them!!) is enough inspiration to get into action and try some new things!!
Browsing fabric motivates me to sew. I see the beautiful colors, pretty patterns … It just makes me want to create something fabulous!
It doesn’t take much to motivate me when I want to sew. I always have a couple dozen ideas in my head. Still, I love to browse thru my pinterest boards that I’ve labeled sewing; sewing for kids; and sewing for babies. Tons of ideas are out there!
I also ‘liked’ Coats and Clark on Facebook.
Browsing through the fabric store always re-inspires me. A look at the work of others on Pinterest is high on my list too. People are so clever and creative.
Just walking into my newly decorated sewing inspires me!
Having a deadline will get me motivated
I pull all of my fabric out of they’re shelf and refold each piece. Just touching the fabrics sparks the inner-creator. And I always promise myself after I have finished the task that I will always put each piece back in the right place each time I make something, so it doesn’t look so messy… needless to say that promise only lasts a day before I’m stuffing them back willy-nilly
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook.
My daughters and my friends are the ones that get me motivated. They are always asking me to make things for them, or for birthday or Christmas gifts for their friends.
I get motivated by looking at blogs and websites. I would be thrilled withthe giveaway!! Thanks!
I liked your facebook page!
I sew when something I like is no longer wearable and I can’t find it at the price I kike so I sew it
I’ve been in a sewing rut for years….LITERALLY!! About 2 (ok, 6!) years ago, I bought a new machine with all the bells and whistles….prior to that I sewed on my mother’s old Singer straight sew with the button-hole attachment. I made great Halloween costumes for my kids (who are adults now!)
So, yes, in a rut for years…the new machine sitting in the closet waiting patiently for some attention.
My motivation???
My brand new Granddaughter!!!
I’ve unboxed the machine, read the directions a million times (why does the pressure foot lifter go right to left??? I need back to front!! And how does that needle threader work again??) and am sewing for my Sweetie.
I also have fabric – from Etsy – for drapes; vintage patterns from eBay, a “new” baby quilt (with her mother’s quilt inside)….lots of projects just waiting for me!!! Ahhhh Pinterest, I’ve so happy I found you!!
All it takes is looking at a pattern book or magazine and seeing a new fabric line. Reading blogs gives me lots of inspiration.
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If I find an easy pattern I get motivated to start again.
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I visit my favorite local fabric store. The owner and her employees are so enthusiastic about their own projects that I can’t help but want to make something new. 🙂
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A rainy day is my best inspiration because that,s the day I get to spend in my sewingroom all day. Surrounded by my fabric, patterns, magazines and books, all the tools to create something new and amazing. I love using Coats and Clark thread to do thread art on my quilts!
When I’m in a sewing rut, I unfortunately need to step away from the table. I crochet, garden, spend time with family (of course!) friends and neighbors, flip through a magazine, cruise online… otherwise take a little vacation from the needle and thread. Then something will hit me like seeing the beauty in a spiderweb glistening in the moonlight and BOOM! I have my next project idea. 😀
Already liked on FB months ago, yippee!
I do some online blog browsing or flip through some quilting books or magazines to find something that inspires me. Or I look at my huge pile of scraps and start sewing wonky log cabin blocks to use up the leftovers.
Going to a guild meeting usually does the trick!
Stress motivates me to sew, especially handsewing. It helps me to calm down. And seeing a lovely project makes me start something new!
Love to be motivated by Pinterest!
I get motivated by my children. They are always after me to make them something or to sew with me. So I have constant inspiration from them. My little girl also loves to look over my shoulder when I am on Pinterest and say “I want that, Mummy” at very regular intervals. With everything she wants I don’t have time to be uninspired!! 😀
How wonderful, I have been using Coats and Clark since I was seven years old.
When I need motivation I usually start by taking a short break and concentrate on people, nature, etc. I see colors, designs and patterns all new and fresh. That will usually start my brain working overtime again.
I follow them on FB
When I get in a rut I will begin to look through magazines, books and blogs for inspiration. It doesn’t take me long to get out of the rut then.
Finding a project or fabric that says “sew me now!”
I will sew string blocks or refold fabric
liked on FB
I do keep up inspiration by following lots of blogs. Pinterest also is a great idea board. Having grandbabies come every year is great too because they each NEED a little quilt now don’t they??? 🙂
I follow C&C on fb as mickey louth
A refresh on pinterest usually gives me something motivating!
I follow Coats and Clarks on Facebook as Alexandrea Morton
I like to look through my fabric stash when I see a new product that catches my eye. Like the zippers from Coats and Clarks. Gets me motivated every time!
My husband he’s always ruining something or well the kids to! 😀 Lots of holes rofl
Went ahead and liked on facebook (FB name Melissa Hime)
I motivate myself by organizing what I’ve already have in my stash, and figuring out where it can be used, ie putting together my own “kits” from my stash and magazines.
I always have a bag ready and i put everything who needs a repair. One day i wake up and sew everything.
I like on facebook ( Same name )
Going to the fabric store and touching all the wonderful fabrics gets me out of my rut.
I follow C&C on facebook.
Making a small project that I can finish in a few hours helps
me break out of the sewing rut.
When I’m in a sewing rut I look through my fabric stash and find a piece of fabric that inspires me (or go to my local store).
Hello. This would compliment my Coats and Clark crotchet book that’s still preserved from over 35 years ago (when I was a teen). Self taught thanks to C&C ! :-). I’m just getting back into sewing after that long leave! Thank you.
I just sit down and start sewing something. That’s usually enough to get me going.
When I am in a sewing rut I look through my patterns, magazines, on line blogs that share tutorial and then I look through my fabrics to see if anything gets my juices rolling.
I already like Coats and Clark on facebook.
looking for new ideas that are easy to make.
I liked Coats & Clark on facbook.
I liked Coats & Clark on facebook.
I ENTERDE THIS GIVEWAY for my mother , my mother love sewing , and she sews our clothes , you can say that we are her motivations , so i hope to win
I follow Coats and Clarks on Facebook as attafi meriem
Hmm – I guess I sort the fabric scraps out and in to colours – that calms me and gets me itching to sew again!!!
Yay – I already like you on Facebook 🙂
The idea that you made something , it’s amazing. With your own hands and specially when you make a desing, it s great feeling. 🙂 And later when you have that thing one of a kind, unique – that’s what motivates me. 🙂
FB name: Samra Softić
When in a sewing rut I can always find inspiration with new fabric. An idea is born, a project begun, and the rut is gone!
already liked Coats & Clark on FB!
If I’m in a rut, what motivates me is a deadline. More than anything else, just getting back to the sewing machine makes me feel happy and inspired, and it’s a deadline that will put me in front of my machine.
i get motivated when i see something cute to make for me and my sis……… <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Browsing all my favorite sewing blogs always gets me inspired!
Im a fan of Coats and Clark on FB!
Hi,if I get out my hoard of quilt magazines and leaf through a few,I soon am dreaming of a new project! Thanks for a neat giveaway!
Starting something totally new! haha Usually though it’s a deadline of something I need to get done.
I’m always motivated to make fun gifts for people.
I’ll pull out flannel and whip up some easy burp cloths to give as baby shower gifts, and then i don’t want to stop sewing 🙂
When I need motivation I look on-line for ideas to spruce up a pattern I’m working with, or a little craft that looks like it would be fun to sew.
I “like” Coats and Clark on Facebook.
When I’m in a sewing rut, I’m inspired by trying something new. It might be something on one of the many blogs I follow or just playing around to see what I create. I might love it, maybe not. Either way, it gets my creativity flowing again.
Follow Coats and Clark on FB
When I’m in a rut, I get out my felt, floss and allll my cute pattern books that are aimed for making kids happy! Then I hand stitch the rut away!
I liked Coats & Clark’s face book page!
This is a fun give away, thanks!
I get motivated by all the beautiful ideas on blogs
I’m looking at it now! Craftbuds — and other blogs like it. There are so many inspiring posts on the internet, I have tons of ideas waiting for me. I’ll never find myself in a rut.
I’m a fan of C&C on FB.
I look at Pinterest or my sewing magazines and see things I would like to make and I get motivated.
I like Coats and Clark on Facebook
The holidays usually motivate me to sew when I am in a rut.
I liked Coats and Clark on Facebook.
Cute things on display inspire me, always.
Like on FB (Jc Loh)
I find inspiration and motivation browsing books at the library and reading blogs.
Finding a fun new fabric can get me out of a rut.
I liked C & C on FB
Thanks for giveaway ..
Seeing other people that sews and design beautiful clothes ..
FB: Sania Wasif
Email: [email protected]
For me it is challenging myself and my skills. I’m especially motivated by seeing interesting patterns and wondering if I can make them up. Then sometimes I am motivated externally – upcoming birthdays, running out of trousers, etc. I am much more motivated to sew for myself because it can be just like I want, but I like to sew for others too.
Liked Coats & Clark on FBI. I’m doing a lot of sewing for my son and daughter-in-law at present as they are expecting and I’m trying to help them out a bit. I am on a fixed income and fabric and threads do add up so I can assure you, this prize would be appreciated.
I always want to sew when I see the beautiful quilts my mom makes. I wish I had her talent!!
I liked Coats and Clark on facebook!!
When I am in a rut I turn on Netflix and listen to a movie or watch old episodes of cooking shows off the internet.
Going on Pinterest and checking out other peoples creations, especially things that are quicky and easy to satisfy me.
Liked on FB!
If I’m in a rut I set deadlines! I work best under pressure! 🙂
I get motivated by looking at quilters and crafters I follow on Instagram and see all the cute items they make! Or pinterest is always a good Picker-upper!
I like of fcbk!
i like C&C on fb
Good music, fresh coffee, rearranging my fabric~
I can’t sew, but my mother is quite handy in it.
I do a lot of pinterest browsing!
I liked them on facebook for sure!
Finding the perfect fabric for a small project. My ruts tend to happen at the end of a larger project.
liked on Facebook
I like to look at new quilt magazines for fresh ideas.
The idea of having the project finished, gets me through the rut.
When in a rut….I drink lots of red bull and crank up some music….it gets me going.