Today we are excited to welcome Angela Yosten, author of the new book “Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew!” Read on to learn more about how she got started writing a book, as well as some creative ways she went about promoting the new release. There’s also a great giveaway at the end of this post!
Angela, congrats on the release of your new book, “Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew!” Can you tell me how you began a relationship with C&T Publishing?
I first came in contact with C&T Publishing when I designed a project for Moda Bake Shop’s book, “Fresh Fabric Treats” which was published by Stash Books/C&T Publishing. I had several ideas swimming around in my head for books and decided I would send in a couple of book proposals. “Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew!” was actually my second book proposal submitted to Stash. After that, I contributed two block designs to “Modern Blocks” and I am now working on my second book.
Sewing for boys is often a challenge. Do you have any tips for how to choose colors and fabrics that will appeal to boys of all ages?
I like to stick with the KISS method for boys’ fabrics: Keep It Sew Simple. Geometric prints, dots, stripes, zig zags, plaids are all great options for boys prints. I especially like to find the grunge and raw styled prints for boys, something with texture. Absolutely no florals of any kind. You don’t want them to be embarrassed; it must have that “cool” look to it if it is handmade.
Do you have a favorite part of the book writing process? How did you handle the long wait from the time you created the projects until the book was released and you could finally talk about it?
I actually love the entire process of writing a book. It is amazing to me how much actually goes into creating a book. If I had to pick one particular part, it would have to be coming up with all the designs. I love sketching out ideas and figuring out how a project will come together. It is that “Ah ha” moment that really gets me going.
The wait from the time all the projects have been created and sent to the publisher to the time you can actually mention the book’s name, what it is about, or even a sneak peek is unbelievably hard. You want to be able to share with everyone what you are working on every night and weekend, and you can’t. I was recruiting my kids and even my husband to critique my work just so I could show someone. As soon as I would finish a project, I would run into the living room late at night, grab my husband, and say, “Come look! Come look! Tell me what you think!”
Once the projects are sent to the publisher, it is a little easier to keep quiet… out of sight, out of mind. That is until the design layout of the book comes, and then it starts all over again. But it is not that long after that you can start talking about it.
After a book releases, there is quite a bit of promotion involved, both on the part of the publisher and the author. What kinds of things have you done to help get the word out about your book?
Being that this was my first book, all my own, I wanted to have a big party to celebrate the launch of my book, so I held a Book Launch and Signing Party at a local coffee shop in our town. I also held a blog tour and invited some friends in the industry to review my book. C&T does a lot for their authors as well to help promote the book which has been awesome!
We have a big giveaway today, courtesy of Angela! The prize is a complete collection of 7 patterns from Angela Yosten Patterns. Leave a comment with something you’ve learned about our Q&A with Angela for your chance to win!
Congrats to winner #29, Tonia J!
Don’t forget to work on your craft book project and link it up the last week of September for our Craft Book Month party with prizes!
I have sons, so I appreciate Angela’s input about choosing fabric for boys. Thanks for the giveaway.
I learned about promoting new books. Thanks!
I learned that geometric prints, dots, stripes, zig zags, plaids are all good options when making things for boys.
I enjoyed her tips on selecting colors for boys. I’ve made one boy quilt that turned out perfect in blues and browns.
I like the reminder to keep it simple for boys….so hard for a girly girl!
fun quilts. I learned that she like to keep it sew simple for boys quilts which makes sense.
That besides writing a book there is a promotional side of publishing, I think that part would make me a bit more nervous than waiting for my book to come out.
I learned that it takes a long time for a book to be ready. Thanks for the chance to win Angela’s patterns.
I also liked her tips for choosing fabric for boys! Thanks for the give-away.
I learned that you can take a traditional craft like quilting and give it a modern spin that makes for some graphic and bold quilts!
I love the KISS method. Keep it Sew Simple. I need to remember this.
I was able to meet Angela at her book signing and she is one of the sweetest people! Through her interview I have learned what fabrics to use when sewing for the little guys.
I like her tips on sewing for boys.
being mother of two boys, i really appreciate the tips on sewing for boys 🙂
thank you
I totally agree with her fabric selection for boys – absolutely no florals! I see so much work put into some ‘boy’ quilts, and then spot the blue florals. There are just too many cute boy prints, solids, and geometrics out there that it’s not necessary!
I learned that she got her start by designing a project for Moda Bake Shop’s book. I have to get that book “Fresh Fabric Treats”!
At first glance, I learned that quilting doesn’t have to be creating something to snuggle up with or place on the bed. These are really original, fun ideas! I also like her KISS comment in choosing boy fabric. Sometimes I try too hard and my fabrics just look awful together, I’m going to have to keep this in mind. Great idea to have a Q and A session!
I learnt a great tip for designing for men with the KISS theory
I love her tips and ideas for designing and choosing fabrics for guys! 🙂
I liked her advice on designing projects for guys too!
I would love to win the giveaway and make my son soem boy-ish handmade goodies.
Goodness – I’ve learned that it’s a huge commitment even after publication, big respect to anyone with that energy and motivation!
Her favorite part of creating the book is coming up with the designs. I’m not surprised… She does an awesome job! Be especially blessed, Kathy
When working with boys fabrics KISS Keep It Sew Simple!
I like the KISS method for choosing fabric for boys. I have 2 boys that both want quilts. I will have to keep that in mind.
It is great to learn something more about how the books we love actually were thought and the process behind them! thanks for sharing
It was very interesting to hear about how the book can’t be mentioned to anyone. I just had never thought about that part of it. Thanks for sharing.
I have two boys… Keep It Sew Simple… great advice for sewing for boys. Mine like to throw things, punch, jump. KISS would make my life, and my sewing easier.
I like her KISS philosophy. I tend to adopt that myself. Thanks for the chance to win.
Loved her idea about ~ KISS method for boys’ fabrics: Keep It Sew Simple.
I can use this idea in all areas of my studio! Thank you for the give~away!
What a fun interview…Angela seems like the perfect next door neighbor! I was happy to learn that I’m not the only one who drags hubby (or others) into my sewing area and says Come look! LOL
Congrats on her new book. Looks like a good one. I like the “KISS” method. And how she recruited her family to help. Makes it a family book that all can be proud of.
I didn’t realise you wouldn’t be able to talk about the book with anyone until it got published, that must be really hard! It does make sense, just not something I’d ever thought of before!
As a grandma raising a 7 years old boy, I learned from Angela what type of prints to look for for his “man quilt”. We don’t want to look babish anymore or use the left overs from my girls. He really loves the designs that Angela does for boys. The KISS methods seems to show up in all industries. I love her work, not many designer do patterns with boys over the age 5 in mind but she does. Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win.
I love that she outlined perfect prints for boys, like dots, zig zags and stripes. That is somethng really helpful as a lot of fabric seems to be more geared toward girls or toward little boys. It’s very hard to come up with something for adult guys 🙂
It didn’t occur to me that you would have to keep your work secret while working on your book. That must have been so difficult! Also, I love your tip about choosing fabrics for “boy” projects. I’ll have to keep that in mind so that I can make my stuff more universal. Thanks!!!
I learned the KISS tip for sewing for boys. Very helpful!
how long you have to wait to see your book in print thenks
I have a girl, but I like the tips you gave for selecting fabrics for boys – simple, geometric prints.
I love that Angela held her first big book launch and signing at a local coffee shop.
I learned how not to emarass my sone when he gets older and i want to make him stuff. Just cyz the flowers are blue doesnt mean he will like it! Thank you Angela!
I have three sons so I agree with Angela’s method of K I S S!!
I learned to keep is simple with bold geometric designs.
We have 3 grandsons, 11, 7 and 4, and I have learned over the years that finding just the right “thing” can be tough. This wonderful book is a must-have for me! The boys would love the designs and I love the ease. Thanks for letting us know a little about your creative process, Angela!
I didn’t know you couldn’t share things with others before your book gets printed. That sounds harder than Christmas presents!
I have 2 boys, and sewing for them isn’t quite the challenge I imagine it will be in a few years. My oldest still likes flowers and other girly things; I’m sure he would like the projects in your new book!
Everyone like to have their hard work validated! I like how Angela wanted her family to see her progress.
I was very interested to hear how she came to write this book, that her initial project with Moda Bakeshop started her on the path. I really enjoyed her contributions to Modern Blocks, and look forward to seeing more of her patterns.
I learned a little about the book publishing process from start to finish!
I like her approach to sewing boys’ clothes
I love the KISS system and I need some patterns to make something for my son, he is always asking me to sew for him and I don’t know what to make.
I love that K I S S approach! Love to see a book aimed at boys since that’s what I have!
The idea of KISS for boys projects does make so much sense. Love the One Way sign and the book looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway chance too…that Superhero Cape looks like too much fun! 🙂
I learned that this is her first book! Big Cngrats!
I learned about the KISS method for picking fabric for items for boys. Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous book! 🙂
I learnt that it is very hard to keep the details of the designs and work in the book a secret. Not sure I would be able to keep quiet!!
This book looks so interesting. We have adopted a little family with a 19 month old boy. I usually don’t make boy things.
Great tips on sewing for boys!
I wasn’t expecting to hear that this was her second book proposal she sent in to stash – makes me wonder what her first one was! It also makes me realize that there is life after rejection, lol 🙂
I like Angela’s KISS method for making a boy’s quilt. Thanks for the interview – great book – I followed each stop of her blog tour.
I am so excited about this book! My only child is a boy. 🙂
I learned about the KISS method. Sometimes I over think things. 🙂
Loved her tips for picking fabrics for boys
I learned that the whole creative process of writing a book is very involved!!
Thanks for the info!
I love the KISS method she used for choosing fabric for boys of all ages and the process of writng a new design for a book. Tips given are really helpful.
I love the “Kiss” method for sewing for boys also! I have friends with boys and they can be difficult to sew for!
I think I learned that it is a long process to writing a book and didn’t realize everything that goes into it. I think I realized most was I would of probably given up before I was done lol. So, like Donkey said in shrek….”pick me…..pick me!” Thank you for letting me enter this giveaway!
I learned that writing a book was more then simply writing words on paper. I am not sure I could do it. Thanks for a chance to win. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway, and the wonderful book for boys. I learned Angela likes the whole process of writing, although it is long. Thanks, again!
What fun! I had no idea all that went into writing a craft book. And great idea to keep the prints “simple” for boys…I would have thought to look for boy themed novelty prints. Thanks so much!