Hi everyone! Today is my day on the Craft Buds Mosaic Tiles Quilt Along and I’m so happy that you’re here. After seeing all the fabulous projects that everyone has been contributing I felt like I wanted to do something a little different and make Amy’s great design more of a “grown-up” quilt. I’m thrilled with how it turned out – let me share how I did it.
I doubled the size of the original block measurements and I inverted the color scheme, using Kona Snow for my centers and a variety of greens for my outer blocks. This method takes either a FQ or a regular qtr. yard of fabric and one 10″ square PER block.
To make the new, re-pieced blocks you need 2.25 of the original blocks. So starting with this size original block I needed 21 to make my 9 larger re-pieced blocks. (I hope this makes sense as I am in NO way a math whiz. Or math competent most days. If you need clarification please let me know!).
So doubling the original individual block measurements gave me a new block size of 17″.
Then I cut in half vertically at 8.5″…
and again horizontally at 8.5″. Then the fun began of re-assembling the cut up blocks to make the new larger re-pieced blocks. I played around with using three fabrics per new block or using all different fabrics and honestly I liked them both! Using both in my design allowed me to use the all the pieces without “wasting” any.
The new blocks finished at a whopping 24″ square. I love big blocks! They make a big visual impact and they go together super quickly. I finished this top in 3 nights of a couple hours cutting/sewing each night, which made it very doable for a busy schedule. This finished at a generous 73″ square – one more row and I think it would be a queen size-ish quilt!
Of course after traipsing around in the mud and the cold, looking like a crazy woman to all the people out for lunch the shot I like best came from my phone. Murphy’s law 😉
If you try this version I’d love to see it! Thanks to Lindsay of Craft Buds for writing this awesome book and hosting this quilt along and to Amy for designing such a fun and versatile pattern. You can find all the other posts HERE as well as entering your own Mosaic Tiles project in this great giveaway!
Darcy of Modern Cozy
This is a really great top! love the colors and the ‘texture’ created by them!
Fun idea to blow them up and switch them round 🙂
I love your idea to swap the solid & print. It feels like a totally different quilt.