As you’ve probably heard, Google Reader is going away as of July 1. If you’ve been putting off transferring your account, now’s the time to act! We’ve added two new options to follow Craft Buds. You can choose between Bloglovin’ or Feedly, or use your own preferred RSS Feed or an e-mail subscription. We’re also on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr if you want to follow us there! Details on each option are below.
Bloglovin: Follow my blog with Bloglovin by clicking the link here or by using the new button in our “Follow” sidebar to the left or the one above. When you sign up you can automatically import all the blogs you are following in Google Reader. Quick and easy as long as you are logged into YOUR google account. I made the mistake of importing while my husband was logged in, but was able to fix the problem without much hassle! Here’s a screen shot of my Bloglovin if you’re curious how it looks. It displays each blog article with a the first few sentences and a photo. To the right is a list of all blogs being followed. Mobile apps are available. If you’re a blogger, Bloglovin’ currently has more ways to track your followers and stats than Feedly does.
Feedly: After trying both Bloglovin and Feedly, Feedly is my personal preference. Sign up for an account or use your Google account to sign in and import the blogs you are following in Google Reader. Quick and easy, just like Bloglovin (again make sure you are signed into your own Google account and not someone else’s). What I prefer about Feedly is the ability to customize how I view the blog posts. The Bloglovin view for both the computer version and mobile phone version can’t be customized. Feedly gives me 4 different feed options (see the screen shots below). On my phone I can change fonts, the transition between screens, font size and more. Sign up or start following us by using the button above or in our “Follow” sidebar to the left.
Option 1: RSS Feed
Just click the RSS button to subscribe through your favorite reader.
Option 2: Twitter
When we publish a new post on Craft Buds we put a link on our Twitter page. Click the link or Twitter button to go to our Twitter page and click “Follow” in the upper right corner (you must be logged in first).
Option 3: Facebook
Just like Twitter, when we publish a new post on Craft Buds we put a link on our Facebook page. We also use Facebook to post links to giveaways or let you know about special events or sales! You can click the link or the Facebook button on our site to subscribe by hitting the “Like” button, or you can hit “Like” in the handy Facebook box on the upper left side of our website.
Option 4: E-mail
Subscribe to receive our posts in your e-mail. Just click the link or the E-mail button and enter your e-mail to subscribe.
Option 5: Flickr
Although you can’t use Flickr to stay updated with our blog posts, you can view photos of our projects and reader projects, or submit your own. Just click on the “Join This Group” option shown by the orange star below to be a part of the Craft Buds Flickr group.