Today, we are continuing the fun of Craft Book Month with a Q&A from two authors of a modern quilting book that you are going to love! Kelly Biscopink and Andrea Johnson are co-authors of the new release Modern Designs for Classic Quilts: 12 Traditionally Inspired Patterns Made New (F+W Media). We are thrilled to help them kick of the blog tour of their book, which begins today.
Ladies, congratulations on the release of your new quilting book! How did you both meet, and can you tell me a little bit about your blogging and how that played a role?
Andie: I work at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in the Bone Marrow Transplant unit. Kelly works at the College of Charleston’s Sottile Theatre. The two of us met through the Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild and became fast friends. It was just one of those instant connections!
We both have the same love of traditional quilts but are really excited about the modern scene that’s been booming over the last few years. We do have blogs (AndieJohnsonSews and Stitchy Quilt Stuff) and enjoy them as both a creative outlet and a way to expand our sewing circle of friends. Our blogs have given us a voice in the sewing community, and we love being connected to sewists and quilters all over the world.
Can you tell me a little bit about how you got this book idea off the ground?
We were at a sew-in event one Saturday and started talking about why we love quilting, and realized we both had very traditional quilting backgrounds but love the modern aesthetic. The idea for our book was born out of that conversation. A few weeks later over coffee, the book outline was nailed down and we started putting together a proposal. After a lot of back and forth and some crazy twists of fate, it was acquired through F+W Media.
Were there any surprises along the way when it came to the work that goes into writing a book?
Shockingly, the surprises were few. We worked so well with each other, and our editors and our publishing company staff were great at guiding us through each step.
Andie: As far as the projects go – creating pieces that I thought would be scrutinized by quilters who bought the book introduced a tiny sliver of self-doubt. I’m used to creating what I want when I want to please me, so when going through this, I put a lot of pressure on myself, which kinda sucked some of the joy out of the process. But overall, it was a pretty amazing experience.
Kelly: Coming from an editorial background, it was fascinating being on the “other side†of the writing process. I had no idea how personal this book would be, how much I would agonize over it. I also can’t even tell you how surprisingly emotional it was to see the book for the first time!
Do you have any advice for someone looking to write a craft book? What lessons have you learned along the way?
Blog Tour!
Monday, 11/5 Andie & Kelly, AndieJohnsonSews & Stitchy Quilt Stuff
Tuesday, 11/6 Lindsay of CraftBuds
Wednesday, 11/7 Jill of Darling Jill Quilts
Thursday, 11/8 Faith of Fresh Lemons
Friday, 11/9 Tracy of Generation Q
Saturday, 11/10 Angela of Quilting is my Therapy
Sunday, 11/11 Shannon of Stitch Craft Create
Monday, 11/12 Laurie of Scarlet Fig
Tuesday, 11/13 Kaysie of KZJo’s Studio
Wednesday, 11/14 Jessica of A Little Gray
Thursday, 11/15 Mary of The Tulip Patch
Friday, 11/16 Deborah of Whipstitch
Saturday, 11/17 Lindsay of The Cottage Mama
Sunday, 11/18 Jenny of Sew Kind of Wonderful
Monday, 11/19 Carla of LollyQuiltz
Tuesday, 11/20 Thomas of Thomas Knauer Sews
Wednesday, 11/21 Brenda of Pink Castle Fabrics
Thursday, 11/22 Lindsay & Liz Rea of CraftBuds & Inspire Me Grey
Friday, 11/23 Sarah of The Last Piece
Saturday, 11/24 Andie & Kelly, AndieJohnsonSews & Stitchy Quilt Stuff
Cara of Cara Quilts
We’ll be back later this month with a book review and a sneak peek at Elizabeth‘s project from the book. If you haven’t taken a look at this book yet, it is gorgeous and the ideal project book for your next sew along!
F+W Media is generously giving away a copy of Modern Designs for Classic Quilts to one lucky Craft Buds reader! Leave a comment below for your chance to win. For your comment, you can tell us your favorite “traditional” quilt block or pattern. Also, let us know if you might be interested in a sew along for the book. Sounds fun, right?! 😉
We’ll choose one random winner next Monday, November 12, 2012.
Congrats to our winner, #205 Sherri Noel!
I LOVE pinwheels!
I love the colors used in the quilt for the cover of the book!!
I like log cabin, hexies, and that diamond quilt!
I love flying geese!
A sew-a-long sounds a great idea!
I really like bear paw blocks!
I love the log cabin block and have made at least 4 of them over the years.
Dresden is one quilt pattern that I have always wanted to make!
My favorite block is the pinwheel star.
I love the history behind log cabin blocks
Love the log cabin block – so versatile – so many different variations. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love the Irish chain.
i love stars of any kind, and would love to make a Dresden sometime too!
I like anything with a star – I can’t choose! I love the idea of a sew along for this book.
I really like making almost any quilt block if not too complicated or too many little pieces. I am working with hst right now and you can make tons of different patterns with the same pieces.
I love log cabins and recently did my first wonky log cabins. Once I got over my OCD tendencies to worry about things being straight, I had a blast making them. And I am thrilled with the finished quilt which looks very modern.
I’m a fan of log cabins and schoolhouse blocks.
I love the versatility of hexies and log cabins! Thanks for the chance.
I love the log cabin blocks and anything with stars. I would love to do a sew along. Thank you for the chance to win.
I love log cabins.
I love the log cabin blocks
I’ve never quilted but I’ve been really tempted to. I really want to make some cathedral windows.
I love the look of Dresden plates. But I’ve never actually made one!
I love the look of star patterns, but I don’t piecing the ones with the tiny pieces. I also like the King’s Crown block. Makes a nice secondary pattern.
I love the look of the Dresden design. I really want to try it out sometime. I also love the double wedding ring.
I love the sawtooth star block. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love any star block, but also really like Churn Dash these days. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the variety of the Log Cabin.
My favorite is log cabin, thanks for the chance to win. I would be interested in a quilt along!
My favorite traditional block is the Log Cabin. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
I really love the dresden plates and pinwheels both!
I love Ohio Star! It feels so cheerful to me.
I love Log Cabin blocks… I’d love to be able to make Dresden Plates!! Thanks for the chance to win…
I love log cabin blocks and flying geese. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the old tradition look quilts.
Love log cabins of all types – another great article 🙂 Thanks!!
I really want to try a dutch pinwheel! Thanks for the chance 🙂
my favorite traditional block is the bow tie! thank you for a chance to win
I’ve been loving different variations on stars. I would love to do a sew along!
I love log cabins and hexagons. Very classic but with lots of posibilities.
I would love that sew along!
how wonderful to hear from authors. Thanks.
I love log cabins. they are so versitle
I quite like a Jaconb’s Ladder though have never made one. We have an heiroom quilt from my dad’s side which is a pink and white (may have been red and white when it was first made?) Jacob’s ladder quilt. Love it!
My favourite traditional block would be a log cabin.
That log cabin is gorgeous!
I just made a Dresden plate block for my mom and am almost done with quilting it, I loved this block! I am also hand stitching a modern Grandmother’s flower garden which I am really liking, but it is very time consuming. I love the traditional blocks the best and can’t wait to try more, the next one is the Great granny square.
I like log cabin quilts, they always seem so homey to me. As a returning quilter (it’s been 25+ years) I would enjoy a quilt along to help me regain lost skills.
Hi!!! A quilt along sounds like fun!!! This book sounds like so much fun!!! Thank You
My favorite traditional block is the pinwheel block, but the log cabin is a close second.
I love the drunkard’s path.
long cabin wonky
i love the disappearing nine patch thanks
Love the log cabin best.
I love pinwheels!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love a good star! Thanks for the giveaway – the book looks yummy.
I don’t have a favorite, there’s too many untried ones out there to choose! I would be interested in a QAL for sure, I really like what I see so far!
I love hexies! I really like sewing hexies on the sofa when I watch TV at night after a looong day…it helps me relax and I really love how the turn into a quilt! I would also be interested in a QAL! Thank you for the hance to win!
I love the sawtooth stars!
Hexxies! thanks!
I love a good log cabin variation. I’m lucky enough to know Kelly from the Modern Quilt Guild in her new city. I’d love to add this book to my library.
I love anything with stars!!!
I love love love the log cabin squares in the bright colours that they used 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win such a great book. One of my favourite traditional blocks is the double wedding ring. So much history involved with quilting.
Happy days.
I’m partial to log cabins.
I love the tradition of the log cabin
I love pinwheels! I don’t know why, just love the look of them 🙂
I love the log cabin pattern.
The log cabin is my favorite. The diamond quilt really appealed to me as I read this latest post.
I’m a Dresden Plate fanatic!
I’m enthralled with log cabins, but in updated/modern fabrics, layouts or colors! 🙂
I love the look of a scrappy log cabin quilt! awolk at rogers dot com
Gosto e sou viciada em hexágonos e tudo que posso fazer com papel inglês.É fácil ,prático e não tem limites…Obrigada.
[email protected]
i’m addicted to hexies! thanx for the chance to win a copy of this great book!
I really like the shoo fly block. It can look so different depending on which construction method you use.
This books sounds really great. My favorite traditional block is the Log Cabin.
I am a new quilter so don’t have a favourite block yet, but would love to try some of the projects in this book. Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, the hexies were nice; the diamonds were nice; the details pictured in the quilts’ settings were nice– I’d love to look closer at this book!
Wow the book sounds wonderful and the designs look like so much fun…My favorite block is the “log cabin” and I would love to be in a modern block exchange…
Love the modern look of the traditional blocks. One of my favorite blocks is a bow tie.
I love flying geese – would love to try this in some modern colours – maybe solids.
The new Modern quilts are really starting to grow on me. My favorite quilt pattern is the Irish Chain.
Love half-square triangles, they are so versatile. I would be interested in a sew-a-long, sounds fun!
I am currently in love with half square triangles. This summer I went on a Quilt Shop Hop and half square triangles were everywhere!
I love the diamond quilt! Love the gray against all of the bright colors!
I like the log cabin look!
Wonderful book! My favorite traditional block is the log cabin!
I haven’t been quilting long enough to have a favorite block. I am taking a block of the month class and so far I am enjoying that. We have done about ten blocks so far. I would love To do a sew along from this book. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite? Log cabin! I’m not just saying that cuz you have a gorgeous one… I’ve just always been drawn to them… Doesnt hurt that i also live in one!!! :0)
I love the designs, colors and inspirations of this book1
I would love to win this!
from Debra J Webb
I love them all! I can just get lost in the colors and movement in traditional quilts. And yes, a sewalong sounds fun!
I love log cabin blocks. QAL YES!
I think my favorite would have to be the pinwheel!
Dresden plate and log cabin! Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely book!
I love any star block, but also really like Dresden these days. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am a 4 patch and HST kind of gal – love all the possibilities you can create when you just move them around a bit.
I have a few namely, hexagons, log cabin, stars and I would love to try out dresden plates one day!
Doing a SAL from ths book sounds great!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I love pinwheels and long cabin blocks! Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous looking book! 🙂
I love log cabin 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love log cabin. thanks for the chance
I love nine patch and log cabin.
I like log cabins but there are so many out there that I haven’t tried. I LOVE the diamond quilt! Yes, I would be interested in a QAL. Thank you for the chance to win.
I love anything with flying geese in it, but a traditional block than I must make a quilt from one day is Winding Ways. Have always adored it.
Beaitiful quilts! I can’t wait to see more. I love any kind of star blocks.
Thank you and F&W Media for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win a super book.
I just love the quilt on the cover of the book. I never would have thought that I would like gray in a quilt but the more I see it (it must be growing in popularity) the more I love it. Thanks.
The first quilt patterns I saw that drew to me quilting in the first place was an ocean waves pattern and a carpenter’s wheel. Amish quilts were most attractive to me, many of which remind me of the “modern” quilts I see today.
I love log cabins. Thank you for the chance,
Log cabins are my favourite traditional quilt pattern. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this great book.
I love pinwheel blocks. Thanks for the giveaway! Looking forward to seeing this book.
I love the look of dresdens though I’ve not tried one yet.
I have to go with Log Cabin. I love that block!
favourite traditional…i’ve done a bear paw a couple of times…that really intrigues me. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Dresden plate patterns.
What a great book! I am a sucker for a basic pinwheel block. Thanks!
Log cabin is a great block! I might be interested in a sew a long.
I’ve been quilting a hexagon lapquilt and I’m in love with it :)Thanks for the chance to win
The book has very pretty attention getting photo’s, and the fact that these two females worked together on it, each with their own background stories and hurdles to clear, contribute s to the overall appeal in a big way.
I heart Log Cabins! Nice to see more photos of the quilts from the book, and to read a little about how it developed. Cheers!
biggest challenge was drunkard’s path to make a ‘road way’ pattern ala wee wonderfuls’ oscar quilt….. love a new take on old patterns…. thanks for the opportunity….
s cree
I’m a sucker for stars and strings! And yes to a QAL!
My fall back traditional quilt block is the 9 Patch. The block I run to when I need a quilt-fix. 🙂
I love stars and pinwheels. Love the fresh look of the quilts in this book. Thanks for the chance to win.
I like log cabin blocks. I’ve never done a sew along before, so it could be fun!
I love the Ohio Star. a quilt along would be so much fun!!
I like just about all the blocks. I really do not have a favorite. I just like to make as many as I can. Thank you for this great giveaway for this wonderful and fun book.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
Wow. The quilts in this book look just amazing.
My most favorite quilt block is the Dresden but, I like so many others too.
I love stars – any kind of stars. The book looks great, thanks for the opportunity to win!
Oh my I love the LOG Cabin – it would be great to do a sew along!!
Not sure about my favorite block, but I’d love a QAL of that diamond quilt in the second photo. So awesome!
I love the traditional quilt blocks. The one I use most recently is the Turning Twenties block. I like taking your traditional quilt patterns and making them into t-shirt quilts. It gives an alternate look. Thank you for sharing the book!
love log cabins, so many ways to make them!!!!!
I am just getting into hexagons (what took me so long, right?) and I love bold bright fabrics and non-traditional layouts – so this book speaks to me. Thanks for the give away!
Ohh did you say QAL. That’s a yes.
I like the goose in pond block. . but I’m just learning how wonderful they can all look.
I love Irish Chain and Ohio Star. Sew along sounds fyn
I love traditional patterns with modern fabrics, this book looks great. I love log cabins, I think it’s such a versatile block!
I have many favorite quilt blocks, but right now I’m thinking the pineapple block. And a sew along is always fun!
I like all quilt blocks but Log Cabin and Sunbonnet Sue. Churn Dash and Drunkards Path are favorites. I don’t think I’d be up for a quilt-along, but I bet a lot of others would be. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m a big pinwheel fan – they are just so timeless. But log cabins were an early favorite and lately Dresdens are my go-to block.
I love log cabin and disappearing 9 patch. Thanks.
I like the star blocks, and dresdens, and pretty much any of them. And the pineapple one!! Thanks for the chance to win
I like star blocks, and triangles ! the book seems interesting !
I like half square triangles
I can make 2 or 4 from 2 squares of fabric and put them together in
soo many different ways
thanks for the chance to win
I just started quilting, so this book could give me some inspiration and knowledge. I don’t know if it is a block but I love the look of the friendship braid. It is my favorite so far.
I think pinwheels are my favorite at the moment.
I still love the log cabin but the Double Wedding Ring is a stunner, too.
I love bear paw blocks and other similar types…sister’s choice, crown of thorns etc. They are a bit over my head, but I’m working up to them.
I like the Storm At Sea block. Log Cabins are another good one!
Drunkards Path would be one of my favorite traditional designs.
The log cabin blocks on the cover are captivating! One of my favorite traditional blocks is a Snail’s Trail. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
I love stars and log cabins and hexagons and and…I love em all!
Bear Paw is a traditional block I really love! Thanks for the giveaway!
Log Cabin and Pinwheels.
My all time favorite quilt pattern is the mariner compass. I have not been brave enough to make one yet, but I love the way they look. Especially the New York Beauty variation.
I would love to participate in a quilt-a-long. I have finished my christmas presents and I am chomping at the bit to start something new.
I love flying geese pattern 🙂 Thanks for the great givaway!
My favorite block is a feathered star, but I love anything with flying geese too.
I’m definitely interested in this book. It’s a great way to link tradition and today’s modern feel. So excited that it’s been published. I like a lot of traditional blocks, but have been stymied about how to put them in modern quilts. I really like the Dresden plate. A quilt along would be fun!
Sew along sounds great! I really love the diamonds to showcase big & beautiful fabrics. Thank you!
A sew-along sounds like fun!!! I love stars and log cabin mixed with pinwheels to give movement to the quilt. Thank you for the giveaway!!!
Love this book! The Flying Geese are great, such impact without having to make 100’s! Thanks for the chance!
My favorite block is the versatile 9-patch yet like those log cabin blocks on the book’s cover. Thanks for the author interview and giveaway too.
I really love the basic Rail Fence pattern and Card Trick. This book looks like a Must Have!
A quilt-along sounds awesome! As for favourites, it’s pretty hard to choose…I’m enjoying making thrift blocks these days, though!
I like Cobblestone designs….I enjoy eclectic designs
I love pinwheels.
I don’t think I’m up to a quilt-a-long, but I do love anything with hexies! 🙂
I’m a quilt novice so no idea what I’d like to do most, but love the quilts in this book – so modern and fresh. Thanks for the introduction. I’d probably be way too slow for a quilt-a-long.
Always loved the Double Wedding Ring?…My Aunty had one that she had made, it was so beautiful. As for a quilt along, its do-able after the holidays. Thanks for asking.
I need a quilt along! Log cabin is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the colors of the log cabin quilt on the cover.
I love the flying geese traditional block pattern
Trip around the world is one of my all time favorites.
My first ever quilt was grandmothers garden and I have ever since had a love of hexagons. The book looks brilliant and right up my street. Thank you for the chance of winning.
I love the log cabin quilt! I have always wanted to make it with modern flair.
I am new at quilting. So I like making the simple quilts with large blocks
Like the log cabins. Sorry not able to work quilt-a-long in schedule
I love flying gees and stars, but I enjoy anything I can rotary cut and sew on a machine. I would love to participate in a sew-along!
This book looks innovative and fun!
I adore skew whiff log cabins and dresdens of all designs but especially made with scrappy mix fabrics.
I love the Double Wedding Ring quilt pattern.
Double wedding ring is one of my favorites. I think QAL would be great! Thanks.
I love pinwheels, and using half square triangles. I also adore the photos on here from the book, gorgeous!
I love star blocks.
I loce the cover quilt – the colors are so bright and cheery!
I love the modern twist to the classic quilt design. I didn’t appreciate quilting until I as exposed to the new way. I am excited to see the new book!
My favorite blocks are the star blocks. Thank you for the giveaway.
I like stars but wanting to do more appliques
Log Cabin, hexies, and flying geese! I love them all. Thank you for the chance to win. 🙂
LeMoyne stars are my favorite block. A quilt-a-long from this book sounds like fun. Hope I win!!!!!
Oh I love Log Cabin, something about it just makes me smile every time I see one.
I love dresden patterns.
Stars, all sorts of stars
I have fallen in love with hexagons
I think I like the log cabin quilt best but I also have a love of the appliqued quilt as well.
I have been saving the Dresden pattern for years. When I get the chance, it will be the first project on my to-do list.
I love anything with stars or flowers
been a fan of Log Cabin quilts forever. Yours seems to have a modern touch to it. Love to win. Thanks
I would love to win this book for a friend! She loves quilting but has been down in the dumps lately and I think this book would bring her out of the dumps.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful book and congratulations on being published!
log cabin, it was the first one i made and still a fav with how much you can change it up!
Wow, Scrappy Classics – my kind of quilts, a must have book for sure. I love the looks of the quilts you have showm and the scrappy log cabin is super great!!!! Thanks….Sandra B
I love quilts with squares. 9 patch is still a favorite
Hi, I would love to own that book, it’s just the book I need to learn more about quilting. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance ti win.
My favorite quilt block is flying geese. I would be very interested in a sew along for the book.
Dresden are my favorite! This book looks great!
I love log cabin blocks and flying geese!!!
I like the log cabin block because I think it’s so versatile. I probably wouldn’t participate in a sew along because I have a newborn and no time to sew lately, but I’d like to watch and see what others do.
I love to do string piecing blocks. I love the fact that I can use all my scraps and I don’t have to precisely cut the pieces to sew them together. I would love to participate in a sew along, it would be my very first one. Thanks for the giveaway.
I attended a class last week and made my first quilt block “churn dash”. I’ll say it’s my favorite for now, it makes me smile when I look at it.
The cover quilt is so pretty. I probably wouldn’t participate in a sew along right now but would enjoy seeing what others are doing.
I love the traditional blocks. Attic windows and log cabin are two of my favorites. I would love to do the sew along!
log cabin is definitely my all time favourite!
I love 9 patches!
My favorite traditional block is the Churn Dash. It just looks so classically quilty to me, and it’s one of the first blocks I ever made. I would love to participate in a sew-along — I’ve never done one before!
Just finishing a flower diamond quilt, but love the one in your book would love to have a stab at a modern log cabin quilt. Making a corset at the mo, then a new quilt.
I love the log cabin quilt block. I would not mind participating in a sew along as long as it is at a leisurely pace.
I like Log Cabin and the one on the cover is lovely.
One of my favorite is log cabin.I`d love a QAL. I’m finishing a QAL, tomorrow is the last block.